Dear VIP Readers;
Please check www.drturi.com/monthly.php
Retired NYC officer shoots NY cop, kills himself
CLICK HERE! www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2009/04/06.html
When I mentioned the police will be vulnerable to this *deadly Plutonic Window how more precise can I be when a POLICE officer KILLS another cop? What is it that the Law Enforcement Agency *Elites do not get? NO it is NOT a streak of luck that agreed with the window I gave a few days ago but SUPREME wisdom that talked! A rare insight that many of your traditionally educated staff recruit members desperately need to PERCEIVE a bad cop (or a Plutonic personality) ready to kill and cost US – WE the people endless precious tax dollars wasted in costly POLICE legal battles. I gave the world and the police specific dates and explicit information on how to understand and use those Plutonic dates. Only a handful of police officers smart enough to grasp my dedication and wisdom asked and received their personal files while others dedicated public servants just yet prefer to ignore God's legitimate cosmic SIGNS!
Well its only your life we are talking about and anyone of YOU could have very well be the VICTIM of retired New York City police officer Cecil Ramsay, Incidentally the very same morning of April the 6th before my evening CTC radio show with George Noory I was broadcasting ALL OVER N.Y. on www.wond1400am.com/ with Barbara Altman literally BEGGING all the police officers listening and her audience to be cautious on the upcoming Plutonic window of April 10th 2009. This show will be available soon and I will be back with her on April 27th, contact her for the link at radio14@aol.com
So what now? How many more cops MUST die and sacrifice themselves before the Police Academy decide to allow me to teach and ADVISE all police officers of a wisdom that they are so unwilling and unprepared to acknowledge? The only way for me to BY PASS the conventional educational police executive's pillars mental blockage is with your help and your constant endorsements and requests.
Only donkeys don’t change their mind!
This Academic *religious God fearing crowd wont budge and in fear of the ridicule while unquestioning years of wasteful baggage. Is this pic above appropriate to represents how far and how fast they can grasp my priceless wisdom? The results? Well you will have to witness those Plutonic windows taking many more courageous public servants' lives if you don’t help me. The dates and private information emailed to some cops while seriously implementing their safety is NOT enough! The mastering of the complexity of the dynamics of Astropsychology demands a minimum of a FULL week intense tuition to understand and use correctly the Astropsychology software.
Dr. Turi
All Is That And That Is All
"When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.
Dr. Turi
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - A car driven by a retired priest crashed into a crowd Friday at St. Maurice Church, killing a woman and injuring four others.
Why would God punish anyone that has totally dedicated his life to him? May be because the God you serve does not hear you or because you do not hear him?
Verse 25 - And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Verse 26 - Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers/wake up Call.
Wake up call for a Plutonic young soul?
Teens locked up for life without a second chance
Michael Barton, Quantel Lotts' stepbrother, was stabbed to death at age 17. The older teen, Michael Barton, 17, was dead by the time he reached the hospital, stabbed twice. The younger boy, Quantel Lotts, 14, would eventually become one of Missouri's youngest lifers.
Dramatic News?
A man and woman were found dead in a classroom building on the campus of Henry Ford Community College, said Dearborn Fire Department Battalion Chief John Hay.
A French hostage and two pirates died Friday in a rescue operation off Somalia, the French president's office in Paris said Friday.
CIA News?
The son of an infamous CIA double agent who is himself accused of spying was released from jail Friday in Portland, Oregon, pending trial after a federal judge ruled he did not pose a flight risk.
Police news?
April 10, 2009: RIGHT ON THE PLUTONIC WINDOW - Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby, 28, is arrested in the murder of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu of Tracy, Calif. Police have arrested a Sunday-school teacher in the killing of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu, and say the woman owned the suitcase that held the California girl's body.
May God bless Her Soul
Police news?
A man with a pistol killed one person and wounded three others at a cafe in the Dutch city of Rotterdam on Saturday morning, a police spokesman said.
Dramatic news?
A teen-aged mother, her toddler son and a 6-year-old boy were killed inside an apartment at 945 East Monterey Court in Terrytown early Saturday. An 11-year-old girl who also was shot was taken to University Hospital
Dramatic news?
A mother and her infant were killed by a tornado that hit Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on Friday, a family member told CNN.
Tune in my radio show next Wednesday and let's hope some cops will call BOTH shows!
Join Barbara and I on April 27th radio14@aol.com
Good news - Many of you either did not know or could not make it to my last workshop in Scottsdale so here is your chance to join us again and have a blast while learning the rest of the secret.
Let me Breathe New Life and Light Into Your Soul! 2012 - The New Birthing Of God's Consciousness Will Liberate All His Children From Darkness, Fear And Ignorance…
By popular demand on April 23rd and 25th
Vision Quest Metaphysical Bookstore Presents Dr. Turi
2225 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Event type Presentation 'Beyond The Secret"
Ticket Phone Call Apryl at (480) 949-1888 or email her at vqbooks@aol.com
FREE Lecture - Thursday April 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00 PM:
The Power Of Your Subconscious
Workshop – Saturday April 25th from 1:00 To 5:00 PM: "Beyond The Secret":
“Knowledge is power; there is no room for ignorance in your life. Power means your option to establish emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”
---Dr. Turi
To schedule seminars, chose lecture / workshop topics or book signings with Dr. Louis Turi, please go to: www.drturi.com/events.php
Be above the normal human being and become an Astropsychologist and one of the most advanced souls walking this earth. Join us www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
Get the books "Beyond The Secret" and 2009 Moon Power NOW
Be smart, be advised be prepared!
Sharing Emails:
Dr. Turi,
I would like to thank you for your support of Law Enforcement. I am sending this e-mail in return from your phone call yesterday. You needed the following date, /////. I am requesting the information on the dragon dates that you listed on your web site. I first heard you on coast-to-coast am and am interested in this information. I am also interested in attending one of your training seminars. Could you send me information on this also?
Thanks for your support and concern for all law enforcement.
Dear Paul; like the two Police Chiefs investigating my claim you were also born with a protective Dragon Head in Scorpio and this sign rules the Law Enforcement Agency and all positive and negative criminal affairs. Intuitive and spiritual Cosmic Consciousness will come easy to you and my goal is to teach if for FREE at any Police Academy, thus if anyone of you can help me to lecture and accomplish this let me know. www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
Danger is around banks or facing criminal stealing cash especially in one of your personal window, be very careful then. Thanks for your courage and protection.
Dear Dr. Turi, I am not a VIP, but am saving my $$$ to become one. I am the Mother of a Deputy Sheriff born //// on a Sunday 12:34 p.m. Negative things are happening in his and my life. I read all your newsletters and think you are right on. So naturally, the law enforcement windows have me very upset. Can you help me. My birthday is////. I am terrified, can you help?
Thank you JO
Dear Jo, as the mother of a police officer I can understand your fears, however right now the Tail of Dragon is right into your 3rd house (critical thinking) and mess up your thoughts. Note also your very sensitive natal Node in Pisces (imagination) does play havoc on your mind and makes you very vulnerable intellectually. First never forget the future is the reincarnation of the thoughts and learn to send your protective thoughts (thoughts are things) to your son while at work. Your dare devil must use patience and diplomacy dealing with others on the road. He is a great driver but danger is coming from speeding and coming from water and/or drunk drivers. Advise him, he will listen and thank you for his courage facing crimes on a daily base. Ask him to email me for the free book and the 2009 Plutonic dates. Dr.turi@cox.net
Thank you Dr. Turi for your quick response. I will have him go to your site, as I am his mother I am so concerned. He is a helicopter pilot, and water could be so possible as we live in /////. Thank you so much.
Dr. Turi;
How do I go about ordering my window dates? I am a police officer and was working the graveyard shift when I found myself intrigued after listening to you on Coast to Coast with George Noory on 4/7/2009. This year has been especially violent, lots of fights, car crashes, complaints, etc. It feels like someone is trying to kill me...but like I said, this show resonated with me. I've been a police officer with Payson City, Utah since 2003.
Hello M; We have a very similar UCI *Unique Celestial Identity, I was born Feb 26 and both our career is "Plutonic" this mean life and death, investigation, police work and healing type of energy. The risky node (dragon) is located on your 6th house of service to the world and you are strongly advised to be VERY careful when responding to any domestic disturbance calls, especially during a negative window dates and when the moon is waning or full. Your high critical observing nature is a plus but your emotional response to life for peace and harmony makes you too nice to some dangerous people you may come in contact with when you arrest them. Be aware when dealing with any gang members and make a good use of your 2009 Plutonic dates and my book 2009 Moon Power. By the end of the year you will understand how important it is to be aware of the *Cosmic Code. Thank you for your dedication to serve and protect all of us and good luck to you my friend.
Files and book on the way
Dr. Turi;
Thank you so very much for including me in your higher / vip star family, it was most magnificent of you in both your great and humble sensitivity], especially for/to those of us from the u.s with weak and or challenged 2/8th houses (for what ever the reasons the cosmos bless some people[?] in that area and not so much the others. It is both generous and *spectacular* of you to do such a great service
I hope all is well for yourself > and miss Terania and i will gladly forward these writings to Mr. srgt. /////// of the 19th battalion/state troopers of the //// division and I will forward any comments he makes in his assessments with my rx. to do moon plottings along side of personal transactions etc back towards yourself and your people. Take care,
Dr. T...
Scott is having some kind of technical problem...soooo...he is cutting a cd of the show...and hopefully, I will either be able to put it through an e-mail to you...or send the cd directly to you on Monday.... until that time... thank you... you are truly a blessing! In friendship and peace,
Hello Mr. Turi I am an avid listener of coast 2 coast. I am 36 yrs old; I start work at 3am (recycling truck driver). I am very happy to still have a job, there r so many people out of work and struggling. I have 2 children. I love them with all that I am. There is so much being said about the coming years, months and days. 2012 and shortly after, a solar burst that will cripple our planet. I was wondering sir if u could please give me some insight on what I can do to prepare for the days to come. It would be an honor to meat with u, if possible. Eagerly waiting for your response.
thank you
DT – Mario await the year 2012 as a liberation of the human spirit from deception and religion, not a crippling energy. I approach this topic many times in my FREE newsletter and you need to catch up by reading some of them about this topic and or listen to my radio show very Wednesday.
http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ (SIGN UP ITS FREE).
Radio - http://www.bbsradio.com/cosmiccode/
Dr. Turi,
I'm a paid "VIP" member, but I think it is a wonderful deed that you are offering your message to anyone who, because of the current economic challenges can't afford the full price, and I don't see how anyone who subscribes to this wonderful service would resent that. Also, it warms my heart to see the e-mails from the "brothers in blue" wanting to know more about you and your work and that through your information, some lives may be saved. You may not always reach the number of people you would like in the various agencies, but as long as we "regular" folks get the information, it makes a big difference to us... Thank you,
Dear Dr. Turi,
Please accept this bouquet of Lilac that I am sending You on the Inner. Smell its' fragrance and See its' beauty. It is my gift to You for all of the Love and Light You freely share with those of Us who are privileged to know of Your Work and Blessings. It is my Easter gift to You. May Your Blessings Be for You and Yours.
Gratefully Yours,
Dr. Turi;
I am a big fan of yours for yrs now & have been listening to you on C2C which I thank for getting more aware & have followed your predictions. ~
Dr. Turi;
May you and your sweet lady have a happy and blessed Easter.
Thank you for your wonderful heart and your help to make the world a better place.
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Deadly Dragon Dates http://www.drturi.com/www.drturi.com/monthly.php
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"Beyond The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#secret
Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor.
602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 -
Your Future Is The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts
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